Monday, August 29, 2011

Coming off the DL

Here we go again......

    Okay everybody, I am coming at you with the most sincere apologies for being so slow on blogging. I am coming off of the "disabled list" (for those who were wondering what DL stands for) and I plan on being back in action.
     Let me first start off by saying that keeping up with this blog could prove to be challenging because of a few reasons: I go to class 15 hours a week, I work in two departments at McLeod Health and Fitness, along with babysitting when I can, and taking on teaching classes at Fitness World in Hartsville which is a town about 35 minutes from Florence. However, I am surely going to try because I know that many of you that follow me on here have been wondering where in the world I disappeared to...not just blogging but in general. So hopefully I'm back and can keep you all informed.
      The very first blog on this page which is the only one now because I decided to take a little bit of a different route, informed everybody of my ex and some of the issues we had.....but it's story time!! yay, how exciting!!
       In the fall of 2008, the entire population of baseball guys at Francis Marion(including my ex) were all raving about the left-handed pitcher from Ohio State University that would be transferring to us to be a weekend starter in the spring. everyone was pretty excited because this was a baseball team that was a few pitchers shy of some big wins. I could only imagine what this guy would be like.... he's going to be so arrogant, thinking he can get all the girls, thinking he's already a big fish in a small pond, plus he's a northerner so he's going to naturally be a jerk. I am almost certain I wasn't the only person thinking this way.
       I had almost forgotten about all the uproar after Christmas break when everyone came back to school in the Spring of 2009. Everyone was so excited to reunite after the month long break and if you know Francis Marion and you know college athletes....A party was just the way to do that. Since my sister(who also dated an FMU baseball player) and I are not really the party animal types, we were very happy to see everyone back at school but we were pretty standoffish from the rave that was going on in, what felt like a 500 square foot home, that this party was taking place in.
       Abigayle(my big sister), Shuey(her boyfriend), and I were all standing outside in the yard talking when this country acting northern accented boy popped right into the middle of our conversation beaming from ear to ear as if he had known all three of us all of his life...."Shuey aren't you going to come inside and play beer pong with us??? Oh, sorry for the lack of acknowledgment, Shuey's girlfriend and Sebie's girlfriend(yeah people actually referred to me as that), it was not my intentions to be rude. You all should come inside and pong it up with us!" Hahahaha that still tickles me to death. When this character walked off, Abigayle and I both just sort of stared at Shuey as to say, okay what was that? I looked at my sister and said,"who in the world is that, he seems fun?" Well, foot in mouth for my prior assumptions, that was the Ohio State transfer, Josh Edgin.
       Josh and I actually became great friends through his teammate, my ex, and I never questioned how wonderful of a guy Josh was. I watched him have a few flings here and there, I watched him go through a pretty sad break-up with his girlfriend that cheated on him.... sad, because having going through the same thing myself multiple times, I knew how he must have felt.
       In early 2010, my ex and I called it quits for a lot of different reason which the first blog sort of hints at. I thought that I would lose many of my good baseball friends including Josh but they all stood by me because they also felt that I had made a smart decision by getting out of a not so great situation.
       Josh had been drafted in 2009 but was drafted in the 50th round by the Braves and decided that it was in his best interest to go back to Francis Marion for another year. Having nearly the same season  his senior year as his junior year he and everyone else predicted that he may not even be drafted in 2010. Once classes and baseball were over in 2010, Josh decided that he wanted to stay in South Carolina because he is actually from Pennsylvania, but in order to afford to do that, he would need to find a job. Abigayle offered her immediate assistance in getting him a job with my dad's directional boaring company.
        He began working for my dad in early May, therefore, putting us around each other quite a bit! Josh began showing interest in a relationship with me and it didn't take me very long to fall for him....for those that don't know him, he's so difficult not to love. Things were pretty exciting, we were so happy, he was so sweet, and  he was completely helping to heal my broken heart.
        I was working at a RedWolves game when I saw Josh come running up to me just beaming....he threw his arms around me and said,"I got picked up in the 30th round by the New York Mets." I had never seen him THAT happy! I smiled and laughed and got excited with him but deep down I thought I was going to throw up. I did not need another relationship, I definitely did not need a long distance relationship, I did not need to date a guy that girls would fall all over simply because he played baseball, I did not need any of those things but I liked him so much.
       When Josh had to report to Florida, and then was moved to Tennessee, I tried very hard to pull away from him but I just couldn't, he was the perfect guy. He was sweet and charming and always made me feel like I was the most important person in the world.
       There was a great deal of drama when people found out that he and I were dating. Lots of people said that he had used my ex to get to me, and that I obviously didn't care too much about my ex to be able to do something like that but Josh cared a lot about my ex, they were very good friends and NOTHING ever went on more than a friendship between Josh and I while I was with my ex. Also, I did love my ex but I made a decision that was best for me and I fell IN love with a guy who would hang the moon for me if he could.
        Josh and I have had our fair share of ups and downs, including a lengthy break up but we found our way back to each other this year and things couldn't be more wonderful. I tell this story because my life can be a little crazy and I honestly do not have time to tell everybody every single time that something happens in my life. Also, I have kept my personal life very much on the down low for quite some time to avoid the drama that Josh and I had to experience last year due to our relationship.
        When I said that I was going to take a different route/approach to my blog now, I am going to try to do more present day stuff....keep everyone informed on what's going on presently and what it's like in this beautiful life of mine! No more stories from the past, unless referenced, those days are gone and I don't plan on re-living any of them! So stay on the field with me if you can, because the game is really just getting started!

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
                                                  Jeremiah 29:11